How to Fight Fear of Failure and Take Giant Leaps Towards Your Goals

We looked at the fear of failure and the tell-tale signs you might be affected by it in this post.

Today, I want to talk about what I focussed on and some of the actions I took to try an overcome the fear of failure. I am not a mental health professional, or “shrink”, but my hope is that some of these suggestions will help people on their way to overcoming some of their own mental blocks.

To that end, feel free to copy, modify and use any of the strategies I describe below if you feel it would be useful.

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How Fear of Failure Stops People From Reaching Their Goals

It might be a career goal, starting your own business, or getting in shape. You might have thought about and researched this goal for a long time.

If you achieved it, it would be a dream come true, and it might even have the power to change your life as you know it.


But despite thinking about it and planning for it for years, you have never achieved it, and you are no closer to achieving it today, than you were 1, 2, 3 or even 12 months ago.

That big goal that was once a big, ambitious statement of intent in your mind, and a mission statement for your life,  becomes nothing more than a pipe-dream or a guilty daydream you have to escape the boredom of your day-to-day routine.

And from time-to-time, when you feel brave enough, you ask yourself an important question….

“How did this happen?”

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Why You Don’t Take Action on Your Big Ideas and Personal Projects

Do you have a personal goal you just haven’t taken any action on? Perhaps you thought of it years ago, or maybe it was something you thought of quite recently. It could be a business idea, a fitness goal, or maybe a career goal.

If you know exactly what you need to do to achieve that goal, but haven’t started taking action on it, then this article will help you discover the real reasons you aren’t taking action.

We’ll  start by taking a look at some of the symptoms of inaction, followed by the real core reasons for that inaction, and then finally, we’ll have a look at some of the solutions to help you start creating the life you have always wanted (and not just the one you settled for).

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Why Goal Setting Doesn’t Always Work (and What to Do About it)

If you thought getting everything you wanted in life was all about setting goals and achieving them, then think again….

In this article we’re going to look at why we won’t be successful approaching achievement and success the same way our parents did back in the “good old days” and what we can do about it instead. 

If we ask our parents about ‘the good old days’, we’ll probably hear words like stable jobs, hard work, security, safe investments and retirement plans. It was a period characterized by financial, social and personal stability which meant that setting long-term goals actually made sense. Today, the world is changing at a fast pace which makes it kind of hard to set a goal for the next 20 or 30 years. In some ways, millennials are not so different from their parents. We desire happiness and wellbeing just as much as the previous generations.

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